Type Alias MeltQuoteResponse

MeltQuoteResponse: {
    amount: number;
    change?: SerializedBlindedSignature[];
    expiry: number;
    fee_reserve: number;
    payment_preimage: string | null;
    quote: string;
    state: MeltQuoteState;
} & ApiError

Response from the mint after requesting a melt quote

Type declaration

  • amount: number

    Amount to be melted

  • Optionalchange?: SerializedBlindedSignature[]

    Return/Change from overpaid fees. This happens due to Lighting fee estimation being inaccurate

  • expiry: number

    Timestamp of when the quote expires

  • fee_reserve: number

    Fee reserve to be added to the amount

  • payment_preimage: string | null

    preimage of the paid invoice. is null if it the invoice has not been paid yet. can be null, depending on which LN-backend the mint uses

  • quote: string

    Quote ID

  • state: MeltQuoteState

    State of the melt quote